A lazy Monday. We need these every so often. Dear friends were set to come over this morning, but plans changed and as much as I will miss them...it is nice to have a lazy Monday! So we have passed the morning so far with breakfast, reading together for a good hour and now the little ones are entertained by PBS as I drink some tea and steal a moment in time to talk to all of you.
Ginger peach black. What do you mean "what." Ginger peach black. My tea. It is ginger peach black tea. Yes, I know you didn't ask...I was telling you. You don't care about my tea? Why not!?! It is very good tea. I got it from cost plus so it has to be good. Everything you buy from that store has to be good. It is the law. Like gravity - though Taylor has recently started yelling at gravity every time is is not cooperating with her wishes. "Gravity! Don't do that!" I told her that her ball falls to the floor because of gravity. That gravity is a law and she said "I am just going to change that law!" I have not yet told her that she, a mere three year old does not hold the key to cosmic law. It is just too funny to watch!
I am waiting everyday now for the first day of spring. I pay no attention to the calendar. The first day of every season is decided by me. Taylor may not be able to change gravity - but I decide the seasons! It is based completely on the weather and my current mood. I always know when it is the first day of a season, not sure how. I just do. And of course as soon as it comes we have to celebrate. I always get a bit giddy at the change of seasons. I am not sure if it is because I love change, or if I simply have such a short attention span that I am just sick of it all after a month or two. I would probably love to live somewhere the seasons are more distinct. But alas, this is where I am supposed to be! And perhaps if it were not so subtle I would not appreciate it so grandly. So I make the best of it, and today that means I am delighted we have sun. After the extra show my kids are delighted to be allowed, I believe we will be going outside. My leeks and carrots need thinning and I will be challenging my small ones to a race. (though the biggest small one cheats and starts before we say "go" and the smallest small one says "go" randomly whenever she wants to start running, so I suppose I am the odd one out trying to have rules at all!) Racing is a wonderful outside activity. Exercise for me, and activity for them! We all win (except at the racing part, I always win at that!) Perhaps today we will pretend we are racing through the jungle. With all our rain I have a very happy lawn that has escaped mowing due to its perpetual bath for several weeks now. So it is rather jungle-ey out there!
Ah, another cup of tea. What did I ever do to deserve you!?! I am truly blessed.
No! I just realized I forgot to write my to-do list today. Our mornings are simple. Daddy goes to work and the first thing we do is sit together, read something spiritual-esk whether it is a devotional book or just the Bible. Then we pray for our day and make a to-do list. As much as I love change, I need structure to my day or I go crazy. But today we did the first two activities and then an unusually fussy almost 4 year old distracted me from my list. So I shall make it here:
1. put away folded laundry - and wash and fold more, it never ends. Ever.
2. email a friend who is LONG overdue (I have been terrible with that lately. So if I owe you an email, I still love you! I am just forgetful...and I have no real excuse. I am behind.
3. play in the backyard
4. do some toy purging. An uphill battle.
5. send off netflex - and check the mail! My mailbox is too far away, I have forgotten it for too many days.
Today is actually pretty empty. Nice actually. I can relax a bit this afternoon. And just like that I have run our of things to day. Funny how that happens so suddenly at times.
And so ends this post, a light post with no real value. But true just the same. May you all grow wings like grasshoppers and enjoy your brand new view of the world!
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